A few weeks ago we had a fun filled Sunday. Loren and I took a little trip into Seattle and ventured around. We hit up Pike Place Market and just browsed through there. Tulips are in season so there were tulips a plenty. Super pretty!!
Then we headed over to Olympic Sculpture Park to see what that was all about. While we weren't too impressed with the sculptures it was a pretty place and fun to walk around. We did have some fun posing with the sculptures though! The walk along the waterfront was probably my favorite part and we even saw a seal!!
I think our next activity was going to a Mariners game. We happened to be able to catch a game when the Detroit Tigers were here, and it was Ken Griffey bobblehead night! SCORE!! Loren cheers for the Mariners and I still sport my Tigers gear with pride. Our seats were ridiculous...TOP ROW!!! But the view of the sound was gorgeous. I ended up switching teams mid game...but since the Mariners were really doing well it was lots more fun to cheer for them!! Don't hate me Detroit!
Anyways - just a little update on our adventures. The best part is always just being able to spend some quality time with Loren. I miss his face when he's so busy!
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